
The Sheltered Model
Sheltered and adjunct
CBI usually occurs at universities in English L1 contexts. The goal of teachers
using sheltered and adjunct CBI is to enable their ESL students to study the
same content material as regular English L1 students. Sheltered CBI is called
"sheltered" because learners are given special assistance to help
them understand regular classes. Two teachers can work together to give
instruction in a specific subject. One of the teachers is a content specialist
and the other an ESL specialist. They may teach the class together or the class
time may be divided between the two of them. For example, the content
specialist will give a short lecture and then the English teacher will check
that the students have understood the important words by reviewing them later.
This kind of team teaching requires teachers to work closely together to plan
and evaluate classes. It has been used successfully at the bilingual University
of Ottawa, where classes are taught in English and French, (Briton, 1989).
The Adjunct Model
Adjunct classes are
usually taught by ESL teachers. The aim of these classes is to prepare students
for "mainstream" classes where they will join English L1 learners.
Adjunct classes may resemble EPA or ESP classes where emphasis is placed on acquiring
specific target vocabulary; they may also feature study skills sessions to
familiarize the students with listening, note taking and skimming and scanning
texts. Some adjunct classes are taught during the summer months before regular
college classes begin, while others run concurrently with regular lessons.
The Theme Based Model

How Does Theme Based
CBI Differ from Sheltered and Adjunct Models?
Theme based CBI is taught to students with TEFL scores
usually in the range 350 to 500. These scores are lower than the TEFL 500 score
which is often the minimum requirement for students who want to study at
universities in English L1 contexts. Because of the lower proficiency level of
these students, a standard "mainstream" course, such as
"Introduction to Economics" will have to be redesigned if it is to be
used in a theme based EFL class. For example, complicated concepts can be made
easier to understand by using posters and charts, (Mercerize, 2000, p.108).
Syllabus Design for Theme Based CBI
Here is the syllabus
for a theme based CBI psychology class that I team taught with a psychologist:
Unit 1 Introduction to psychology
Unit 2 Types of learning
Unit 3 Advertising and psychological techniques
Unit 4 Counseling
Unit 5 Psychological illnesses
Unit 6 Project work
Each unit took from two
to three weeks to complete. The students had two classes per week and each
class lasted for two and a half hours. The syllabus that we used is clearly
different from a conventional Introduction to Psychology class. Our aim was to
allow the students to explore various aspects of psychology rather than
attempting to give them a thorough grounding in a subject which, we believed,
would have been too difficult for them to understand at this stage. In fact one
of the strengths of theme based CBI is its flexibility; teachers can create
units with specific learner needs in mind. For example, Unit 3 began with some
textbook readings followed by questions and written work. After this the
students were given some advertisements to analyze and also brought in their
own examples for use in group discussions. Finally, for a small group project,
they designed their own advertisements and then presented their work to the
other class members with a rationale for why they had chosen their product and
who the target customers would be. Among the products they designed were a
genetically engineered cake tree and a time vision camera.
Materials for Theme based CBI
There are textbooks
that can be used for theme based CBI classes which usually contain a variety of
readings followed by vocabulary and comprehension exercises. These can then be
supplemented with additional information from the Internet, newspapers and
other sources. However, another approach is to use specially constructed source
books which contain collections of authentic materials or simplified versions.
These can be about a particular theme such as drug use or care of the elderly,
or about more general topics. It's possible to create some really interesting
classroom materials as long as the need for comprehensibility is not forgotten.
The Flesch-Kincaid test
is one method of measuring the readability of writing. Difficulty is assessed
by analyzing sentence length and the number of syllables per word. Put simply,
short sentences containing words with few syllables are considered to be the
easiest to read. The Flesch-Kincaid test can also be used to assess the
difficulty of texts for EFL students.
For students with scores below TOEFL 500, Flesh - Cinched scores in the
range 5.0- 8.0 are appropriate. (By way of comparison this paper has a
Flesch-Kincaid rating of 11.1). However, far more detailed research needs to be
done in the area of assessing student responses to the readability of adapted
materials. For example, the Flesch-Kincaid test assumes that passive
constructions are more difficult for students to understand than active ones;
however my own preliminary investigations have shown that removing passive verbs
and replacing them with active ones does not necessarily make the students feel
that the text is any easier to read.
How Can Theme Based CBI Be Assessed?
A theme based CBI
course should have both content and language goals.
Student progress can then be assessed when classes
are underway. Continuous assessment is effective. Daily quizzes can be used to check that
content information is getting through to the students and that they are
remembering important vocabulary. Longer
tests may also be given at mid-term and at the end of the term.
Journals are also a useful diagnostic tool. Students
can be given time at the end of each class to write a summary of the content of
the lesson or to answer a specific question given by the teacher. Another
useful exercise is to allow the students to write freely on any topic; teachers
can then read their work and assess their progress indirectly.
Direct oral feedback
during the classes can be useful as long as we are mindful of the proficiency
level of the students; it's all too easy to forget how difficult it is to speak
a foreign language in front of classmates.
CBI is an effective
method of combining language and content learning. Theme based CBI works well
in EFL contexts, and I believe its use will increase as teachers continue to
design new syllabi in response to student needs and interests. As I said at the
beginning, I believe that learner motivation increases when students are
learning about something, rather than just studying language. Theme based CBI
is particularly appealing in this respect because teachers can use almost any
content materials that they feel their students will enjoy. What can be better
than seeing our students create something and learn language at the same time?
ตัวอย่างแผนการสอน CBI Model
1. ปิ๊ก มีน ม่วย ปุ้ย
2. น้าตาล ฉัตร แป้ง ผึ้ง
3. แพน เบีย หมิว นิด้า
4. ติ๊ก แอ๋ม อิ๋ม พักตร์
5. เจ๊ยบ บุ๋ม ทิพย์ แป้ง
6. พาว มาว เจ้ จิ๊บ
7. แต แจง อ๋อม แพ๊ต
8. ไก่ ผึ้ง อิ๋ว นุชชี่
ตัวอย่างวิดีโอการสอน CBI Model ขั้น listening
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